Saturday, April 13, 2013

Three Years Too Many

Today, April 13th, marks three years since a certain one-of-a-kind guy left this earth.  It's just a day, like any other day, but I can't help but feel my sorrow renewed each year as we mark the passing of time.  Three years without my dad.  Three years of life experienced without being able to share any of it with him.  Some of the grief subsides with time, but there are days when it feels fresh, new and even still a little confusing.  Can he really be gone?  Sometimes I still don't believe it.

I love our beautiful girls so dearly and they are such a joy to my life, but I can't tell you how many times I look at them and feel my heart break because they will never know their Papa Tony.  I do my best, but I feel that I will never be able to make them truly understand what a fun, funny, boisterous, silly, brave, strong, smart and sometimes oh-so-cantankerous man he was.  So much of who he was has made me who I am today.

I am realizing that most of my favorite pictures of him have not yet been made digital.  I'm going to have to change that.  But here are just a couple good ones.

I love you, Dad, and I miss you every day.

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