Spring is officially here and we've been busy busy bees trying to prepare a room for our Little Miss. The nursery is all painted and we've moved in the furniture that we have so far, but haven't hung anything on the walls yet. Yesterday I finished up the curtains I've been making for the room and Tim began sanding down the crib. Turns out the crib project might be a little bigger than we had anticipated, but it'll look really nice when it's done. We're starting to feel the pressure a little bit, since we're going to be busy traveling almost every weekend in April. But as long as Little Miss doesn't decide to come earlier than she is supposed to we should be just fine.
We were glad to have a weekend pretty much free this weekend. I didn't leave the house at all yesterday and Tim only went out to get some more sandpaper (and Peeps for me!).
In other news, Tim continually has more work to do than he has time to get it done. We're still grateful for the job he has, even if it is pretty stressful at times. My director is leaving on a missions trip to Albania on Monday and won't be back to work until Wednesday of the next week. So I will pretty much be the acting director for a week. The powers that be at my center have decided not to have an "Assistant Director" and so I have been promoted to a position that we are calling the "Administrative Assistant". The title describes what I do pretty well; I have been given a lot more responsibility and pretty much know how to do everything to run the center, but I don't have to make the hard decisions about hiring and firing and such. And that suits me just fine.
Tim is sanding like crazy as I type this. This afternoon we will be driving down to Denver to meet Chrisann, Clint and Toby for dinner, so we're looking forward to that. It's so nice to see the sun and we're excited to watch our landscaping come back to life (hopefully). Come on Spring! I'm posting some pictures of the ongoing nursery project. Hopefully you'll all get to see the room in person sometime soon. Enjoy!
Yeah for a blog! I love your nursery! It's coming along great! Now you just need some baby stuff! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI thought I had commented....but I guess I didn't! Sorry! I love that you have a blog, and are having a little girl, and that you are both such hard workers! I really like the green walls and the bead board...it looks great! And guess what? I was your first follower! Do I get a prize? Love you Mags! Oh, and what kind of stroller did you get? Looks like a Chicco.
ReplyDeleteLiz, your prize is my undying love for you! :) We did get a Chicco stroller and car seat. So far it's pretty much Tim's favorite part about this whole baby thing. He likes to push it around and make it do wheelies. Boys.