. . . so why are we both working inside? Well, you see, we've got projects to do. And Tim can't rest or play when there's a project for him to work on. The sanding on the crib is all finished, the basement has been cleaned and straightened and now the staining has begun. We've had a nice restful weekend at home with not a whole lot to do. Those weekends are rare for us and will become even more so soon, so it's a blessing to get to enjoy one. The weather is really beautiful today; I think it's about 63 degrees outside and it's very sunny. Yesterday was extremely windy and therefore quite chilly, but we got our grocery shopping done nonetheless. We actually had a pretty nasty storm this week that hit Tuesday afternoon and snowed heavily through Tuesday evening. I was fortunate enough to have a "Snow Day" on Wednesday as a result of it, but Tim had to trudge off to work early in the morning as always. The policy of my center is to follow the Poudre School District and close for severe weather if they are closed, which is nice because it really takes a lot of the blame and decision-making off of us. Well, like most school districts in the area, Poudre did decide on Tuesday night that all schools would be closed Wednesday. However, the weather did not continue through the night as was expected and Wednesday ended up being a pretty nice day, with lots of the snow already melting away. Whoops. I admit I felt a little guilty all day about being off, but it wasn't really my decision, was it? I was able to go to Fort Collins in the afternoon and get my hair cut just as planned. Not a bad day, all in all. We're really hoping that will be the end of our winter storms.
Tim and I--never really knowing when to stay and when to go--ventured out into that nasty storm on Tuesday night to pick up the changing table we had ordered at Walmart. We navigated the roads quite well, though, in our 4WD vehicle that has brand new tires. Our changing table is all set up in the nursery now and we rearranged just a little. This afternoon Tim hauled up from the basement one of our old dressers which we're putting in the closet of the nursery for storage.
We did have a bit of a bummer this week when the Envoy starting running very poorly and we had to take it in to the shop. It wasn't there that long; I dropped it off Thursday afternoon and picked it up Friday afternoon. But just to make life that much easier we went ahead and got a rental car for me to drive in the meantime. With Tim working in Longmont the one car thing just is too difficult. My rental car was a little yellow 2010 VW Bug. :) Kinda fun to drive for a day. And $1300 later the Envoy is fixed and running better than before.
We're looking forward to spending Easter weekend at home (I even get Friday off as my center is closed for Good Friday). Then the weekend after that we start our travels with a quick trip to Grand Junction. It'll be nice to see family there and in Montana at least one more time before the baby makes her debut.
Here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure:
The crib parts are all sanded and ready to be stained! I love having such a handy husband, and am quite spoiled because of it.

The curtains are hung!
Have you ever noticed how in nearly every one of our pictures there is at least one cat? Can you find the cat in this picture?
Modeling my major contribution to the nursery. :)
Tim and I--never really knowing when to stay and when to go--ventured out into that nasty storm on Tuesday night to pick up the changing table we had ordered at Walmart. We navigated the roads quite well, though, in our 4WD vehicle that has brand new tires. Our changing table is all set up in the nursery now and we rearranged just a little. This afternoon Tim hauled up from the basement one of our old dressers which we're putting in the closet of the nursery for storage.
We did have a bit of a bummer this week when the Envoy starting running very poorly and we had to take it in to the shop. It wasn't there that long; I dropped it off Thursday afternoon and picked it up Friday afternoon. But just to make life that much easier we went ahead and got a rental car for me to drive in the meantime. With Tim working in Longmont the one car thing just is too difficult. My rental car was a little yellow 2010 VW Bug. :) Kinda fun to drive for a day. And $1300 later the Envoy is fixed and running better than before.
We're looking forward to spending Easter weekend at home (I even get Friday off as my center is closed for Good Friday). Then the weekend after that we start our travels with a quick trip to Grand Junction. It'll be nice to see family there and in Montana at least one more time before the baby makes her debut.
Here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure: