Phew! Life is BUSY! Not that everyone doesn't already know that. I hadn't realized how long it had been since my last post until I signed on and saw the last date. Over a month! Whoops. I can hardly believe that November has come and gone. Good night, wasn't it just September?! Really. That is how I feel.
BUT . . . with the end of November comes . . . CHRISTMAS TIME!!! And boy, oh, boy do I love Christmas time! Enough of that, though. Before we can talk Christmas we must get caught up on fall. I don't have much to say but I have a few pictures to share. We went to a pumpkin patch/corn maze/petting zoo/you-name-it in October and had lots of fun. Then we carved our pumpkins. It was Ava's first time doing that and . . . she lost interest after about 5 minutes. :) Ah, two year olds. She regained some interest once we started planning a "Mickey Pumpkin" for her. She was excited about that, but a little confused, too. She didn't seem to understand why she couldn't
watch Mickey on her pumpkin. Oh man. What an entertainment-infused world our children are growing up in!
Ava was Minnie Mouse for Halloween and she sure was cute! She had a blast trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with Daddy. She didn't understand what to do at first (she tried to go
in our neighbor's house), but once she got it figured out she was a pro and had a lot of fun. She wanted to do it again the next day! I don't think she understands when I tell her she has to wait until next year (Now that her "treats" are finally gone she keeps saying, "We gotta get more. At Target."). June was a ladybug, and she got to stay home with me and pass out candy. It was such a beautiful, warm day! Unusual for Halloween.
Here are some pictures to commemorate these events. I shall save Thanksgiving for another post . . . hopefully one that will come
On a morning walk on a crisp, fall day. |
Ready to see some animals, walk through some corn and get some pumpkins! |
Getting friendly with the goats and sheep. |
Junie could only handle so much fun. |
A pumpkin for everyone! |
Mama's on the left, Daddy's in the middle and Ava's (Mickey's) on the right. June's was too small for carving. |
Minnie Mouse watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. |
Waiting for Daddy to come home from work! |
Grouchy Ladybug. |
The spoils. |