In other news, Tim and I have a new nephew! My sister, Jessica, and her husband, Brandon, had their second child just yesterday, the 21st. Little Everett Anthony Sather was born at just about 4pm their time and is a healthy baby boy, weighing in at 7lbs. 13oz., with a length of 20.5in. Both he and mommy are doing great! I can't wait to hear what big brother Cameron thinks of him (he thought his little brother's name should be Spiderman). Tim and I have just bought tickets this week to go out and visit all of them over Labor Day. Ava will get to meet her cousins! I'm slightly fearful about flying with an infant, but figure it's probably easier at 2 months than at 12 months.
Tim has just started another job at work, which is kind of exciting. He'll be working next on a jail renovation in Denver. He'll still be working on the project from the office in Longmont, so he doesn't have to commute down there every day, thankfully. Many of his co-workers will not have work (they will still be employed-but with little to do) come September, so we are praying that FCI is able to find more projects.
I've attached some more pictures, including one of Ava's first visit from Grandpa Clint. He and Great Grandma Garnie (GGG) came up for a bit to see us last Saturday.
Here she is having some "back time" on her "playgym". She now can/will lay on her back happily for quite a while, which makes her much easier to entertain.
Awwww . . .
Grandpa Clint!
Tummy time.